Storied patrons at the new Glendale Branch Library

Posted on May 11, 2024

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The new Glendale branch opened March 30, and every person present embraced its new 25,000 square foot space. The Library Foundation celebrates several named donors at the site.

In the children’s area, Harrison’s Orbit is designed in memory of Harrison Strader Wood. Harrison and his mother were weekly attendees of Glendale branch storytimes. His parents asked family and friends to donate to the Foundation with donations purchasing more than 5,000 baby board books for Glendale and other branches. Learn more about Harrison and his family here:

Steve Hyatt, a library advocate, is honored in the courtyard thanks to a donation by the Hyatt family. The inscription reads: “This courtyard bench in memory of Steve Hyatt who insisted everyone have a library card.”

Finally, repurposed from the former site are beautiful stained-glass pieces. The glass was donated to the Library by Vincent Fox’s daughters, Ann Fox-Clark and Claire Fox-Acheson. Fox was a co-owner of Fox Stained Glass and was another Library advocate.

The Foundation is proud to help these and other donors honor their loved ones. If you would like to honor a loved one, there is a ceramic book tile sale at the Glendale branch until May 31. Find more about it here: